Monday, February 23, 2015

Sick days, yeah right.

So I've been a mom for 20 years I'm used to not having sick days, per se.  But there were those times when I would let the laundry and dishes pile up and be sick.  Sometimes a cleaning fairy would have pity on me and some of the chores would get done and sometimes well, it looked like WWIII had hit our house. 

That has really changed since I have become self-employed. Now even when I am sick I can't turn off the feeling that  I need to be working. So today on day two of being under the weather I pushed, I went through a box of Kleenex and I'm pretty sure most of what I worked on will have to be redone.  My lesson learned today, sick days are okay, I'm better taking care of myself and being twice as productive on the good days. I'm going back to my blanket and tea. 😷

Monday, February 2, 2015

I'm ready to work, but...

Yesterday I made the comment that I was going to get ready for the day and work, even with the snow, a self employment benefit.  What was the issue? I forgot to tell my family that. This is not going to be a complain about your family post, I promise. It's a people aren't mind readers and you need to plan post.

There were a lot of little things yesterday, first and most important, because it wasn't a time I was planning to work, I really didn't have it sold in my mind. I didn't change my calendar to show it was work time. Since Emily has moved out Sarah is moving into her room. After almost 13 years of being together (yes I am counting the ineutero) this has been a process. She wanted to work on it, and she wanted Lillian and I to help. I really couldn't give my I have to work speech because, well, I had to own my lack of planning.  

Once there was progress there and I thought I might sneak in for a few hours of work, Todd was in there doing taxes.  I know it's a pet peeve and my issue, but I HATE trying to work when he is in the office. Notice how I say try? We've been married for 20 years this month and NEVER once have I showed up to his job and asked him if he should be doing something a certain way. I know his intentions are good, but I don't need him aking me if that is really the way I need to measure an inseam. That being said, I was the one that hadn't let him know my itinerary so when he heard me upstairs question how many stuffies do tween twins need, he thought the coast was clear.

What I need to own is that I need to communicate with everyone, just for the simple reasons that I need to model being repectful to others to my kids and not expect people to read my mind.  We've really been working on the Golden Rule, three hormonal middle schoolers can be very, very vicious to each other. But, that means I need to follow it also, so maybe just maybe if I had treated others and myself how I wanted to be treated yesterday I could have had some quality work time. 

Today will be crazy, but good. Some alterations and repairs inbetween work and meetings. The kids have a snow day so let's hope the house is still standing and no one is bleeding by the time I get home. Any guesses on how many calls I get while I'm gone? :)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Snow, snow, snow

I live in central Iowa and we are finally having an honest to goodness snow storm. I won't say blizzard because there isn't any wind...yet. We live on the prairie and, without exaggeration, we can get two foot of snow and have bare spots in our yard from the wind. This is a nice, really really thick blanket. Luckily it is a heavy snow and even with the wind expected today, hopefully the drifts stay under 5 feet. 

My struggle on days like today is like most people that work from home. Everyone is home, church, practices and meetings for the day have all been cancelled, I'd really like to just relax and enjoy our forced slow down of life. Except, my office is here, I have stacks of to do's, you know that pile of 'I'll get to it when I have an extra second' and it looks like that extra second is now.

Today is just another example of how those of us that are charting our own course need to strike while the iron in hot.  So, I'm going to go clock in and get this day going, knowing that when I sit down for our Sunday night Family movie, it will feel good to know that my to do stack is smaller than the drifts outside.