Thursday, March 22, 2012


Balance is something that I have been struggling with for quite a while it had been because there was not enough work.  Now this is finally starting to be enough work, which is a great thing and a neccesity, so I have to figure out how to make this work with the family.  I am sure that all working moms have the same struggles.  Mine is a challenge because I don't always work traditional hours.  So, when I am gone for weekends why do I feel quilty?  Todd is a great dad and very capible of taking care of things at home.  I'm also pretty sure that when he has had to work weekends and nights he doesn't carry this guilt with him.  Okay enough whinning! I know I will figure it out, or not but life will go on and I will just keep doing the best that I can.

I did have some fun the other day and played with some flip-flops.  We are getting ready for a Vendor Event this weekend and I will give you all the details in the morning!  Have a great day!

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