Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Halloween debate

I am a seamstress, when I sew (most of the time) it is for other people to make money for, oh silly stuff like food and electricity.  Every year we have the debate about Halloween costumes.  I made the mistake when the three younger girls were little to make them costumes. One year we had a flamingo, Jasmine and witch. I must say they were looking pretty good. AND for the $150 I dropped in fabric and supplies and the 20 hours I spent at my machine they should have.  For a few years now I have made them create something out of the dress up box, (noting that most everything in there was hand made as well).

I do feel pressure as a crafty mom that I need to top that year, then I realize food vs. awesome Halloween costumes, and I have a clear winner.

Now we are to the age where I am questioning do they even need to dress up?  I have been strongly vetoed on this, but there is one issue that no one but me wants to face... Our girls are extremely tall for their age and this summer we got rid of the dress-up box.

I have observed that, like many things Halloween has gotten more and more elaborate and parents a just expected to keep up.  I remember many a year being a Hobo that consisted of my dad's barn clothes and my mom's brown make up.  So I say retro is in!  If you are trick or treating in Nevada, Iowa this year and you see three tall (you know the type,"aren't those kids too old to trick or treat?") hobos walking around you know who they belong to.

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